Gerede e.V. offers educational events for Dresden schoolchildren. Mostly, these events are integrated into the framework of ethics, religion and biology classes. The projects are suitable for young people from the 8th grade. They have a duration of 90 minutes to 2 days, depending on the arrangement and the depth of the project.

The concept

The young people are given space for open discussions about:

  • The young people are given space for open discussions about:
  •  role models and role expectations
  •  different life plans
  •  love, sexuality and partnership
  •  sexual orientations (hetero-, homo-, a-, bisexual) and
  •  gender identity (e.g.: transidentity, cisgender, intersex).

We do not conduct frontal teaching, but offer a joint exploration with creative methods and conversation. Knowledge transfer is not neglected either. It is important to us to encourage the participants to reflect and exchange.

The Teamer

We work with the peer-education approach. Our team members are young people who represent a colorful spectrum of homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, a-sexual and transgender people. They are open to questions about their different lifestyles and ways of loving. They receive a three-stage training for their personal pedagogical competences.

Basic topic complexes of the training are:

  • ifferent ways of living and loving as well as gender identities
  •  conflict management/intervention, anti-discrimination, group work
  •  communication, reflection skills, practicing the role of a team leader, teamwork
  •  Planning, testing and reflection of sexual education methods

Registration and further information can be found in our registration form ( Anmeldeformular )

Our project is a member of the Federal Association of Queer Education and complies with the quality standards ( )