borderless diversity
The project borderless diversity is a safer space and a room for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter or queer (lgbtiq*) refugees and migrants as well as their relatives. In addition we offer awareness trainings for people who work with refugees e.g. social workers, authorities and administration offices.
legal advice for queer asylum seekers
We offer legal advice independent of authorities for queer protection seekers in the asylum procedure. This can include applications, asylum hearings, Dublin procedures, asylum decisions and more. The advice explains rights and obligations in the asylum procedure and provides options for action. If necessary, we identify special protection needs.
Departement LGBTI
The Department LSBTI* offers counseling and pedagogically guided group services in
Dresden for young people up to 27 years of age. We also support professionals in child- and youth
welfare on the topics of sexual and gender diversity.
Project coordination
The project coordination carries out networking, committee and cooperation work, and is
responsible for the organization and implementation of equality policy events, public relations for LGBTIQ* equality issues and quality management. In addition, the coordination takes care of the accompaniment, support and coordination of voluntary and partly unfunded “small projects” that do not fall under the responsibility of our other projects (e.g. running group).
Queer through East Saxony
We offer psychosocial counseling and support on all issues related to sexual orientation, gender identities as well as queer lifestyles.
We are mobile on the road.
Our goal is to strengthen people in their different ways of life, to support them in their problematic situations and to include their direct living environment.
Queer Education
On the one hand, the project addresses the target group of adolescents and young adults. The anti-discrimination project “LiebesLeben” carries out projects at schools, youth facilities, etc. on the topic of reduction and prevention of queer hostility. Further information can be found here.
The project “Bücherkiste Queerkram” (book box / queer stuff) is aimed at young adults in rural East Saxon area. Information about the free book box can be found here.
For the target group of adults we offer individually tailored lectures, workshops and further education on topics of sexual and gender diversity. Further information can be found here