“borderless diversity – grenzenlose Vielfalt“
a project by Gerede e.V. for lsbtiq* (queer) people with migration and/or refugee experience in Dresden and East Saxony.
The offer is aimed at lsbtiq* (queer) people who have fled, are in the asylum process and/or have migrated to Germany. We are a project for people who are looking for a place where they can talk about their own life situation, receive support and network.
we offer:
- personal and confidential advice on all life situations
- trauma-sensitive and discrimination-sensitive space
- support and support in the asylum process, with a focus on LGBTiq*-specific questions and topics
- open gatherings and organization of joint activities
- volunteer opportunities
- access and information about the queer community
- referral to specialized advice centers
possible consulting topics:
- gender identity (transidentity, non-binarity, …)
- Inter*, intersex
- sexual orientations (homosexual, bisexual, asexuality, …)
- coming-out
- sexuality, sexual health
- experiences of discrimination and violence
- family, relationship(s) and partnership(s)
- psychosocial issues (addiction, fears, …)
- contact search (self-help groups, culture, leisure, …)
- topics and questions about arriving in Germany and Dresden
- questions about the asylum procedure and what is special for lsbtiq* (queer) people
- preparation for the BAMF hearing
We offer consultations in different languages, if necessary also with sensitive language mediation. Our office is in Dresden; if necessary, we also offer consultations in the districts of Meißen, Ost-Erzgebirge Sächsische-Schweiz, Görlitz and Bautzen.
You are welcome to come alone, but also with a companion (friend, partner, relationship person, …)
We also offer consultations online or by telephone.
Write to us at refugees@gerede-dresden.de to arrange an appointment.
(We do not have open office hours.)
If you live in the districts of North Saxony, Leipzig and the city of Leipzig, contact Rosalinde Leipzig e.V. (email address: refugees@rosalinde-leipzig.de).
If you live in the districts of Mittelsachsen, Zwickau, Erzgebirgskreis, Vogtlandkreis or Chemnitz, please contact LSVD Sachsen (email address: sachsen@lsvd.de).
Raising awareness
we try to raise awareness:
- for the special vulnerability and realities of life of lsbtiq* (queer) people with refugee and/or migration experience
- for a resulting (more sensitive) practice
- for professionals (social work, authorities, …)
- in counseling (and other direct contact with clients)
- at different political levels
- when working with and for people in language mediation
- at authorities and offices
we also offer:
- knowledge transfer (via exchange, workshops, seminars, networking, …)
- networking with cooperation partners, authorities, offices, political actors, other (specialized) advice centers, in project networks, etc.
Networking and advocacy
- collaboration in the project network “Fachberatung für queere Geflüchtete in Sachsen” (“Expert advice for queer refugees in Saxony”)
- cooperation with support networks (exchange of content, e.g. joint case work,…)
- representation of interests in various social and political committees
- exchange with funding providers and authorities
Contact persons:
Write to us at refugees@gerede-dresden.de to arrange an appointment.
(We do not have open office hours.)
spoken languages: german, english
E-Mail: keno@gerede-dresden.de
Telefon: 0174/ 7361 430
Luisa Keller
spoken languages: german, english
E-Mail: luisa.keller@gerede-dresden.de
Telefon: 0152/ 3662 3447
Martín Iglesias Taboada
spoken languages: german, english, spanish
E-Mail: martin.iglesias.taboada@gerede-dresden.de
Telefon: 0176/ 6950 2672
Maëva Rakotovao
spoken languages: german, english, french
E-Mail: maeva.rakotovao@gerede-dresden.de
Telefon: 0162/ 8701 910
We can also be reached via Telegram and Signal messanger (we do not use WhatsApp).